2022 is already off to a crazy start. I did manage to follow through and finish my Pathology Masterclass and passed my P-DTR foundational level theory exam.
The main goal for this year was to take the upper levels of P-DTR which would give me access to a number of amazing tools to help my clients even more. However, the Intermediatte and Advanced class are post-poned till 2023. Because of this my main goal for 2022 has changed to bettering my knowledge of the foundation level material as well as drastically improve my muscle testing and assessment skills.
Think of this year as putting in an even stronger foundation for the skyscraper that will be my career and techniques.
Here is my Updated Scheduled of Classes for 2022:
2022, May 20-21 Manual Muscle Testing and Treatment Flow Concentration Course in Dallas, Texas
2022, June 11-12 Integrated Muscle Testing and Palpation in Phoenix, Arizona
2022 July 25-27 P-DTR Curriculum: Foundations Research Update and Curriculum Review virtually
The Manual Muscle Testing and Treatment Flow Concentration Course taught by Kim Limon is specifically designed by P-DTR to give practitioners a better understanding on manual muscle testing as well as improving treatment skills and assessment. I'm also scheduling a private practice with the teacher of this class for feedback on how to improve my work.
The Integrated Muscle Testing and Palpation course is taught by world famous Thomas Wells and will be specifically designed to better my muscle testing and palpation (touch) skills to help give me more information while being more accurate and efficient. This should also help my assessment skills.
The P-DTR Curriculum: Foundations Research Update and Curriculum Review is designed to cover 60% new information regarding research on P-DTR and provide new information not covered in my foundations level course keeping me up to date. The other 40% will be reviewing the hardest topics in the foundation course.
While I am extremely eager to take the upper level courses these new classes will allow me to do the work I currently do much more accurately, efficiently, and give me overall better results and confidence with my treatment.
I will continue to work hard to make sure that I am able to deliver the best results and most cutting edge treatment available to my clientele. I am excited for you all to join me on this journey towards a healthier life.
-Tayler Kurtzman