2023 was a whirlwind of a year. I finished P-DTR and started mentorship over the topic of functional neurolgy. We had some groundbreaking successes for many individuals which I was extremely happy to be a part of their journey.
I also introduced educational courses into my buisness/career which was nervewracking and exciting to explore and teach. Hopefully this year we can take it even further with some classes being offered to not just other healthcare practicioners, but clients as well.
My Educational timeline for 2023:
January: P-DTR Intermediate & Advanced Series: Module 3/3
March: P-DTR Intermediate & Advanced Practicum in Washington DC
March: P-DTR Passed Intermediate Material Theory Exam
March: P-DTR Passed Advanced Material Theory Exam
Immaculate Dissection: Anatomy Angel: TMJ
Mentorship and studygroups related to neurology and muscle testing throughout 2023.
*View all my upcoming and past trainings here: My Educational Journey
In-Depth Analysis and Overview of Classes in 2023
P-DTR Intermediate & Advanced Series Module 1 (40hrs)
The final module of P-DTR covered some amazing topics to end my lecture portion of my P-DTR journey. This 5 day class was only over 3 main topics and they were extremely in depth. We covered learning and evaluating for primitive reflexes and the correction. We learned all 12 cranial nerves, how to identify, treat, and even provide rehabilitation homework which will benefit everyone. Finally we mapped out all the major nerves in the body, what they provide innervation to, and how to identify and relieve nerve entrapment. It was a great module to end on and probably my favorite one throughout my P-DTR lecture journey.
P-DTR Intermediate & Advanced Practicum in Washington DC
The final module for P-DTR took place in Washington DC. This was an amazing opportunity for mentorship with Kim Limon as well as reviewing and practicing: Cranial Nerves, Spinal glide treatment, food sensitivity, multiple topics related to the tongue, viscera and more.
Passed P-DTR Theory Exam for the Intermediate & Advanced Material
Immaculate Dissection: Anatomy Angel: TMJ
Deepend my understanding on the TMJ muscles, movement of the joints and things that can contribute to daytime and nighttime bruxism.
Classes taught in 2023
--> April 8th: Cupping for Self-care
--> Nov 11th: Cupping for Self-care
Cupping Therapy for healthcare practicioners is already scheduled for January 20-21st.
My Goals for 2024
2023 was an amazing year but I want to take what i've learned and accomplished even further beyond. I plan to do a lot of self studying reguarding the brain, nervous system, anatomy and more using a variety of resources (see link below for one). I plan to take the classes I've started teaching even further and add an intraoral course if possible. Finally I plan to take my muscle testing and treatment to even higher levels.
Education I plan to pursue in 2024
Deepen my understanding of the Nervous System, Brain, and Neck using online training.
TBD Functional Neurology Training
Continuing Education Courses in Seattle I plan to teach:
--> 2 Cupping Therapy (12-16 CEUs)
--> 3 Self-Care Cupping Courses (4 CEUs)
--> Introduce my first Intraoral Massage Course (16 CEUs)
Huge Thanks Again
2023 was a phenomenal year full of growth both as a practicioner and buisness owner. I am even more excited to see what 2024 holds and the progress we can make. 2024 will be full of studying to deepen my understanding of the body, possibly a new technique i'm extremely excited for, and pushing my teaching portion to new heights.
Thanks again for everyone's care and support and most of helping me to..... Level Up :)
Tayler Kurtzman
Learn more about P-DTR here:
Learn more about Level Up's Classes here:
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